Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Out and About

So finding a job after the holiday rush here in Sydney is proving to be a bit more difficult than my optimistic-self had originally planned for. But have no fear, it has only been about 12 days of unemployment and I have several decent options in the works.  A bookstore, a few clothing stores, restaurants, coffee shops, and a receptionist for a new gym thats opening in a nearby suburb, Newtown (Not to be confused with Iowa's own, Newton.) So hopefully next week I will be writing to tell you all that I am gainfully employed.

But in the mean time -- I have learned a few things; for example that 5 beers here in Sydney-land does not, absolutely positively does NOT equal 5 beers back home. No way, no how. 

I met Chris after work on Friday at our beloved Custom's House, for our weekly batch of wedges and a nice refreshing pint of Stella. I had another to wash down the awesomeness that are the wedges...(keep in mind I had no intention of getting over served). We finished up there and then wondered over to the Belgian Beer Cafe, located dangerously close to our front door. And to make matters even worse (or better, depending who you ask) we have befriended our very own bartender next door, his name is Mo. And well, I am not sure if it was the first European ale schooner (smaller than a pint) that did me in, or maybe it was the tiny shot sized sampler of some super dark German lager, or I suppose it could have been that final Stella I had to have, in order to keep up with the boys. Whatever it was, it didn't bode well for me. And to spare you all the silly, and rather gory details; but I was out around 9pm, and the saddest part of it all is, Chris had gone across the street to get take out from a lovely little Italian place called Giovanni's. (And here comes the sad part)by the time he brought it home I was down for the count. So lame. And so much for my pasta! That's what you get when you think Bud Lights are the same as Stellas.  Sigh.

On Sunday we headed up north, via ferry to Manly where we had planned a morning of hiking the northern beaches, much like we did on the Bondi to Coogee southern walk, it is the same sort of idea to the north...except this trail was more of a "true" hike, compared to the bike path leisure walk of the southern beaches. 

We saw Manly, North Styene, Queenscliff, Freshwater, Curl Curl, North Curl Curl (yes, North Curl Curl...apparently one Curl Curl was not enough to satisfy the locals for that stretch of beach) we finally called it good when we reached Dee-Why  - a good 4.5 miles from where we had started off. While on the walk there were several spots where we had to scale along the side of the shore on huge rocks...and I am sure I got passed up by a dozen 10 year olds, all hoping along the rocks at seemingly warp speed. I was impressed with their talent to move so swiftly from boulder to even bigger boulder, but I was annoyed with my self for suddenly realizing I was the "old" person in their way. I had only one minor slip up (as most of you know I am a bit of a clutz) about half way through the walk, I was strolling along Curl Curl (I think) soaking it all in and watching everything but the tide...which came up a bit high, (out of no where! And Chris's "watch out Sam!" came a bit too late) and put me in soggy Nike's for the remainder of the walk. Either way the walk was beautiful, sunny, and doable for even non-experienced hikers and I do have pictures to post - I'll do that for you tomorrow.


1 comment:

Pam said...

Note to self: Stella does not equal Bud LIght.